Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rikki returns to sender

Rikki always loved to watch out the window, he used to be an outdoor cat

Rikki getting some love last week

Last night I was looking at him and realizing he was past his expiration date and I think he had a tooth infection and it was time as the owner/operator to make the decision.

An hour after this photo, Rikki was given back to God, who had so graciously given me about 10 years of his curly tail, his orange furball horks, his 3am howling and his constant need for attention. Godspeed, Rikki
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About us

Kevin Break's Studio is located at 600 Moulton Ave. #205, Los Angeles, Ca 90031. 323-221-5129. theJesusWall.com Kevin has been a photographer for 20 years, specializing in fashion and actors headshots. KevinsCamera.com